Best online advertising campaign of the year for "Read, the best lesson of your life"

Miércoles, 21 Diciembre, 2011 - 20:49

2.0 The attitude is already recognized in Malaga with a proper name: Award Enterprise 2.0, which debuted its first edition in a culture surrounded gala held at the Thyssen Museum in Malaga. Expressions as communicative intelligence, cool hunter, community, usability and other technical terms were present in a ceremony attended by a broad representation of institutional and business Malaga society. In total, more than a hundred people wanted to support this initiative in which eight awards were given to the champions of the attitude 2.0 in Malaga.

And one of these awards, the best online advertising campaign, was to produce Form-animated for his work on the campaign "Read the best lesson of your life" of which I was the production manager.
Enterprise Award ceremony to Campaign Read the best lesson of your life

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