After the film

Alberto Rodriguez film, starring Tristan Ulloa, Blanca Romero and Willy Toledo. / / / / Studio: LZ Tesela and productions. / / / / Director of Photography: Alex Catalán. / / / / Production Manager: Manuela Ocon. / / / / Assistant Director: Adam Barajas. / / / / Location, Production Assistant: Javiero Lebrato.

Assistant After production of the film, Javiero Lebrato Aramburu
Assistant After production of the film, Javiero Lebrato Aramburu
Assistant After production of the film, Javiero Lebrato Aramburu
Assistant After production of the film, Javiero Lebrato Aramburu
Assistant After production of the film, Javiero Lebrato Aramburu
Assistant After production of the film, Javiero Lebrato Aramburu
Assistant After production of the film, Javiero Lebrato Aramburu
Assistant After production of the film, Javiero Lebrato Aramburu
Assistant After production of the film, Javiero Lebrato Aramburu

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logo javiero lebrato produccion audiovisual

Producciones  Audiovisuales

Creación y Desarrollo de Obras Culturales

Teléfono: +34 616 68 42 06 / +34 954 22 57 37
