Cursos Impartidos
Taught as a teacher Audiovisual Production Workshop at the University of Seville, organized in collaboration with lamatraka CICUS I gave in and shared my knowledge and...
Imparting module "Audiovisual Production" within the Master "Cultural Management" offered by the CEA - Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia in its...
Participation as a speaker at the Cultural Hall SOLIDARIOS the Seville II prison of the conference "Production of festivals, musical and audiovisual production" in the...
Participation as a speaker at the Expert Seminar on Cultural Management, with lecture and panel discussion entitled: "Creation, development and production of festivals and...
Master Class I and II were held in the Casino of the Exposition and concert hall Club-Cosmos in Seville, on the occasion of the two events that took place in the respective...
Summer courses as speaker, where he participated as a partner company Studio 16. Such courses called "audiovisual productions and musicals from preproduction to...